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7 Ways to Destress Naturally This Holiday Season

Whether it be changing seasons, upcoming holidays or personal life transitions, this time of year can be a huge challenge to maintain poise and keep focus amidst the chaos. Though we know stress is a known cause for health issues, we all struggle to find time and ways to de-stress.

But no matter the circumstances, our health and happiness are in our own hands. And when we are happy and healthy, we are our most beautiful, radiant selves. So, we’re here to remind you: you have a choice. We put together a list of our favorite ways to reclaim our success and sanity, whatever time of year. Take control of your health and happiness, body and mind, with these seven suggestions:

1. Yoga & Exercise
Move, breath, sweat, stretch. It doesn’t need to be anything specific, impressive or excruciating. For five minutes to an hour, set aside time daily to connect with and take care of your body.

2. Nature & Meditation
Get out in nature and remember the bigger picture. Even for a moment, remove yourself from your usual environment and take a step outside. Let yourself be still enough to realize this is all fleeting and remember the gratitude you have for the beauty that surrounds you.

3. Diet & Rest
Though we often put these things on the back burner when we become overly busy, diet and rest are the foundation for a happy, healthy life. Make time to grocery shop for natural, whole foods (find recipe suggestions from our blog here and here) and prevent future excuses by meal prepping once a week. Find practices – like reading, journaling, listening to music, etc. – that help relax you and engage in those activities for the hour or so before you sleep to encourage relaxation and a reasonable bed time.

4. Herbs & Essential Oils
Herbs can help our health both physically and mentally. Try calming teas like this Honey Lavender Stress Relief Tea from Yogi teas. Or, aroma therapy with essential oils like ClaryCalm® from Doterra’s Proprietary Therapeutic Grade Oils.

5. Products With Integrity
At L’eclisse, we know how important it is to use ingredients with integrity. So, hold yourself accountable. Throw away old makeup, food or cleaning products with ingredients you know aren’t helping you or the environment. We like this list from Mother Earth Living for ingredients to avoid in personal products.

6. Expression: Passion & Creativity
Give yourself time to dive into your passions. Get creative with art or writing, volunteer at a local organization or take a class. Do what you can to express yourself and stay in touch with things that make you happy.

7. Connection: Healthy Relationships
Last but definitely not least, take a look at your relationships: with yourself, with your friends, with family. Your relationships are a reflection of your health and happiness coming together. Seek networks of people that can help you grow. Find yourself amongst people who encourage and support you.

Despite the busy schedules and challenges we face, we do have time (even if only a couple minutes!) to come back to ourselves so we can recharge and move forward in happy and healthful beauty.

Make it count. Take time for you and love every moment of what you do!



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